4. Route 4. The Poetry Path
Difficulty: None.
The “Poetry Path” is a literately initiative that, thanks to Foro Plural “Torre de la Merced”, currently called “Ateneo de Rota”, intends to fill up the streets of the historic downtown with distinguished writers’ verses and poems.
This literately route is a walk that turns into a real poetic trip, where the historic downtown blanched walls become an open space museum of the written word, and where verses and poems build a poetic route around the village that keeps growing little by little, tile by tile, making of each space a haven of space for inspiration.
We will start our route by taking the street Poeta Ángel García López as a start point where the first tile was placed. To follow with, the streets and squares where the following tiles were placed by chronologically order later.
-1 st TILE:
“Madrugada en Ubiarco” (Dawn in Ubiarco)
Author: Ángel García López
Street: Poeta Ángel García López
-2 nd TILE:
“Aguada” (Watered)
Author: Felipe Benítez Reyes
Street: C/ O´Donnell
-3 rd TILE:
“A ti Cristina” (To you, Cristina)
Author: Leopoldo Almisas Romero
Street: Padre Eugenio Square, 2
-4 th TILE:
“El paseante” (The walker)
Author: Luís García Montero
Street: Puyana
-5 th TILE:
“Si mi voz muriera en tierra” (If my voice passes away on land)
Author: Rafael Alberti Merello
Street: Barroso Square
-6 th TILE:
“Junto al mar de Rota” (Next to the sea of Rota)
Author: Mariló Naval
Street: Carmen
-7th TILE:
“Costa de la Luz” (Coast of Light)
Author: Juan José Téllez
Street: Bartolomé Pérez Square
-8th TILE:
Poem without title
Author: Javier Gallego Dueñas
Street: Convergence of San Clemente and Tripería Streets
-9th TILE:
“Soy Rota” (I’m Rota)
Author: Benjamín Prado
Street: Constitución
-10th TILE:
“Playa de Punta Candor” (Punta Candor Beach)
Author: Almudena Grandes
Street: Cuna
-11th TILE:
“Primavera en mi casa” (Spring at my house)
Author: Pepa Parra
Street: Pedro La 0
-12th TILE:
Poem without title
Author: Javier Ruibal
Street: Gravina